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My Timeline

Thursday, September 20, 2012

So I am addicted to Pinterest, like most women are, and I was obsessed with pinning ideas for Alaya's nursery.  So when trying to come up with an idea for a mobile I came across The Winthrop Chronicles and their Pom Pom Tutorial and knew that this is what I wanted to do for the nursery.

And it took FOREVER!  You have to cut out circles, then fold the circles, then burn yourself with hot glue. I love a hot glue gun, but I'm horrible at burning myself with glue.  I will one day be able to rob a bank and leave no finger prints because I'm very close to burning all of them off.

My original idea way I was going to use yellows and pinks in the room since I had already made a quilt for her (her background in the month by month pictures.) But then I came along some turquoise storage bins at Lowe's and decided to turquoise to my color scheme.
I used a embroidery hoop to hang them from and Shila had some problems with that.

Poor curly headed girl.

So when I finally finished, it looks like this.

I hope you like it.
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