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My Timeline

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

I'm in slow motion lately, I start to get things done and then I end up in a dead stop and waiting weeks to finish. I am so happy to be working on Shila's room since she has been stuck in her brother's room for almost a year and it is far from girly.  If it was up to Shila her entire room would be covered in pink and princesses but I know she won't love princess forever and a load of pink might make me a little dizzy when I go in to play.  So I wanted something colorful and bright, which defiantly reminds me of my lively 3 year old. So I went on a trip to Lowe's and looked through the paint samples and came across the perfect color.

It's called Dive In by Valspar and it is beautiful.
I've learned over the years the best thing to do is prep the space before you start painting. File in any holes and sand any rough spots, but our walls were hole free and professionally painted before we moved in so my big step was taping. It takes a little while and is pretty boring, but it is a must! And if you really want a clean line, by the green tape. I've tried all of them and haven't had a better edge than with my frog tape. In fact I still have to redo the dining room from where my beautiful navy blue bled through the blue tape.

So after a lot of tape and plenty of plastic on the floor I started with one wall at a time.  I trim out a wall and then use a roller to paint. This helps keep from a distinctive line around the trim from your paint drying and not blending. I also do it to feel like I completed something since I have to take many breaks checking on, feeding, and giving naps to the kids. This was were I got before my kids decided they were starving.

But withing a couple hours I was done! And I must say I love it so much. It goes great with all the pink things she wants in her room.

Now time to get the bed in!


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